
* This is a major change!!! Please read the steps before upgrading to this version.
1. Make a JSON backup of each of your stories.
2. Do a backup of your project.
3. Close the Fleece window in the Unity Editor.
4. Upgrade Fleece. (Reimport)
5. Put your story object into its own folder. I recommend Fleece/Stories/"Your Story's Name"/YourStory.asset.
6. On your story object's inspector, clear the lists of Passages and Folders, by setting their lengths to 0. The old data this used to hold is now irrelevant.
7. Make sure the base story is defined if your story has one.
8. With the JSON file for your story defined in the inspector, press "Load JSON" and wait. The process might take some time for a completely new story.
* This update makes it so every single passage is saved as a separate scriptableobject, making source control with multiple collaborators easier.
* Having no story defined in the editor makes Jumpers print a warning instead of just disappearing.
* A list of passages can now be serialized.
* Trying to delete a folder that contains passages/folders will now make a confirmation dialogue pop up and actually be able to delete everything if told to.
* New command arg regex, allowing for spaces in commands, now: ``[^,\s][^\,]*[^,\s]*``
* When Begin() is called, the last passage used by the drawstring will be marked as visited, immediately.


Fleece v3.0.0.unitypackage 3 MB
Sep 18, 2022

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